Puţină critică pentru organizatorii AdWeb 2012

Ieri la Chişinău s-a desfăşurat cea de-a doua ediţie a conferinţei AdWeb – conferinţă internaţională cu tematica publicităţii online. Un subiect popular care interesează tot mai multă lume şi de care la modul direct sunt interesat şi eu. Conferinţa a fost de succes şi a avut parte de prezentări captivante, au vorbit 12 speakeri din […]

Moldovan Leu – currency for investors

The news I got today from Bloomberg is that my home country’s currency, the Moldovan Leu (MDL) is the world’s second best-performing currency. I was a bit surprised, I mean I wasn’t aware it has grown that much to be named world’s second best-performing currency, but it did appreciated a lot in the past few […]

Georgia vs Russia at the Beijing Olympics

On August 8th, while the Olympic teams were entering the Bird’s Nest Stadium in Beijing at the opening ceremony of the XXIXth Olympic Games, Russian troops were entering Georgia, once a former Soviet Republic, now invaded by Russian Army, claiming they are acting as so called “peace-keepers”, like they always do. I will not write […]

New 10 RMB banknote to commemorate the 2008 Beijing Olympics

Exactly one month before the start of the Beijing Olympic Games the People’s Bank of China issues a commemorative 10 RMB bill. It features the newly built already iconic image of the National Stadium known as the Bird’s Nest on the front and the ancient Greek statue of a discus thrower “Discobolus” on the back. […]

Pregătirile pentru Jocurile Olimpice de vară 2008 în Beijing

Pregătirile pentru jocurile Olimpice de vară 2008 în Beijing. Beijing-ul va fi gazda jocurilor Olimpice de vară ce sunt programate pentru perioada 8-24 august 2008. Data începerii jocurilor olimpice nu este aleatoare, ci a fost în mod special selectată de chinezi ca fiind o dată foarte norocoasă – ziua 08, luna 08, anul 2008. Chinezii […]

Strong earthquake hits China

According to US Geological Survey an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck Sichuan province today, centered 92 km northwest of Chengdu. Apparently it was felt all over China. Reports say people felt it as far away as Beijing and Shanghai, especially by the office workers located in the skyscrapers. A mate of mine called […]

Olympic flames reach the top of the world!

I woke up this morning and as usually turned on the TV for the latest sweet news from CCTV9, only to find out that Olympic flames reached the summit at around 9:10 (our local time). Well done China! And my respect to the climbing team. From Mt. Olympus to Mt. Everest the Olympic torch went, […]

Who should pay the bill for Korean hostages?

You all probably heard the story of 23 Korean hostages held by Talibans in Afghanistan. The good news that came in the end of last week about letting free the remaining 19 hostages was such a joy for me personally, since I was watching news about them everyday while in Korea for the past months […]