You Know You’ve Lived in China Too Long When…

I found a group on facebook recently with this topic and it is so funny! Well it probably would be funny for the ones who lived in China. I’ve selected just a few very best ones in my opinion here: 5. You smoke in crowded elevators. 6. All white people look the same to you. […]

GPS Tracking – now you can spy on others!

The dynamic development of modern technologies is not a surprise for anyone these days and things we regarded in the past as almost science-fiction or thought to be “technologies of the future” are quickly becoming parts of our everyday lives. One of this relatively new hi-tech things is GPS. For the ones of you who […]

Simpsonize yourself!

This summer along with The Simpsons Movie and probably to promote the movie a nice online tool was launched. It allows you to render Simpsons like characters by providing a simple photograph. The tool is called “simpsonizer” and the action – “simpsonizing”. I’m not a big fan of The Simpsons but I always enjoyed watching […]

Office Boredom

For all of you out there who spend most of their time in the office. Here are a few things to cheer you up on Monday. Some nice quotes for the start: Making mistakes is human, but it’s against our company’s policy. (Anonymous) Our company’s dressing code: always cover your back. (Anonymous) A memorandum is […]

Manusa Roşie sau impresii electorale de la Chişinău.

Credeam ca comunistii au venit cu o noua ideologie de a aduce staruri americane pe scena politica din Moldova. Asta a fost impresia cand am vazut Chisinaul impanzit cu publicitatea unui anume Jordan (la fel ca si baschetbalistul american renumit). Si mare a fost mirarea sa aflu ca “americanu” lor poate vorbi. Si nu numai […]

Când se stinge lumina… / When the lights go out…

Ma uitam acuma pe internet să văd ce alte “blog”-uri a conaţionalilor mai găsesc şi am dat de un articol interesant pe EuroBlog-ul lui Val Popovici. E despre un film de scurt metraj a lui Igor Cobâleanschi. Mi-a plăcut mult. Iată link-ul de pe YouTube. Şi iată şi filmuleţul… Iată ştirea preluată de pe EuroBlog: […]