În 2005 incă, după ce venisem din China am descoperit pe unul din CD-urile cu muzică chineză folk ce le-am adus o piesă destul de[…]
Astăzi nu ne rămâne decât să megem fiecare la votare, să punem ştampila pentru cei ce merită şi să aşteptăm rezultatele. O fi poate alţii[…]
Se pare că arena politică a Moldovei e compusă din felurite ‘animale’: avem urşi, lupi şi o cioară care cârîe din copac. Cred că analogiile[…]
Probably the most popular map on the internet for the past month was this representation of United States as seen by Californians: Religious Nutballs in[…]
I don’t know who is the author of the text below, but apart from the joke itself it offers a pretty good insight for the[…]
Have you ever thought what is on the opposite side of the earth? Imagine drilling a hole through the earth to the other side, you[…]
Like Gary Brolsma (the Numa Numa guy) and Mahir Cagri (the Turkish “I Kiss You” guy) we now have a new internet celebrity who’s name[…]
I’ve also discovered recently the ICANHASCHEEZBURGER.com and wasted some of my not so precious lately time there. If you haven’t heard yet of this amazing[…]
I was a bit bored the other day, just browsing the internet looking for something fun to do. And I came across a few things[…]