It’s for the first time when instead of the usual one character for the Olympic mascot we’ve got a bunch of them. It seems that[…]
I wrote a review about the Olympic Stadium in Beijing some time ago and noticed that people also find this article when looking for the[…]
Now, you probably heard that you can make money on-line by simply selling your pictures. Sounds easy, right? I’ve been asked a few times about[…]
National Grand Theater of China which is sometimes referred to as Beijing Opera House, but is nicknamed “The Egg” is actually officially called – National[…]
Yesterday facebook launched a redesign campaign for the most popular social network platform in the world. You can view the new facelift yourself at[…]
Probably the most popular map on the internet for the past month was this representation of United States as seen by Californians: Religious Nutballs in[…]
I don’t know who is the author of the text below, but apart from the joke itself it offers a pretty good insight for the[…]
Have you ever thought what is on the opposite side of the earth? Imagine drilling a hole through the earth to the other side, you[…]
Like Gary Brolsma (the Numa Numa guy) and Mahir Cagri (the Turkish “I Kiss You” guy) we now have a new internet celebrity who’s name[…]
Exactly one month before the start of the Beijing Olympic Games the People’s Bank of China issues a commemorative 10 RMB bill. It features the[…]