Month: June 2007

  • Office Boredom

    Office Boredom

    For all of you out there who spend most of their time in the office. Here are a few things to cheer you up on Monday. Some nice quotes for the start:

    • Making mistakes is human, but it’s against our company’s policy. (Anonymous)
    • Our company’s dressing code: always cover your back. (Anonymous)
    • A memorandum is written not to inform the reader but to protect the writer. (Dean Acheson)
    • Tell your boss everything you think about him and the truth will set you free. (Anonymous)
    • Leisure time is that five or six hours when you sleep at night. (George Allen)
    • Less important you are in the company’s structure, more they will miss you when you’ll be out of office. (Bill Vaughan)
    • Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they’re looking for ideas. (Paula Poundstone)
    • The one that smiles when the things went wrong already found someone to blame. (Arthur Bloch)
    • I’ve noticed that the persons that arrive late in the office are more cheerful than the ones waiting for them (E.V.Lucas)


  • Manusa Roşie sau impresii electorale de la Chişinău.

    Manusa Roşie sau impresii electorale de la Chişinău.

    Credeam ca comunistii au venit cu o noua ideologie de a aduce staruri americane pe scena politica din Moldova. Asta a fost impresia cand am vazut Chisinaul impanzit cu publicitatea unui anume Jordan (la fel ca si baschetbalistul american renumit). Si mare a fost mirarea sa aflu ca “americanu” lor poate vorbi. Si nu numai ca vorbeste, dar vorbeste in limba Romana! Asta s-a intamplat de ziua alegerilor din 3 iunie cand a fost prins in public in momentul cand exercita dreptul la vot. Spre seara deja prin telefon la Moldova 1 in emisiunea lui Mircea a declarat ca deacum incolo va vorbi!

    Tabara comunista pare destul de calma si probabil crede ca daca candidatul lor la fotoliul Primariei a reusit sa iasa in turul doi fara a scoate nici o vorba in public va inchipuiti ce se intampla cand va vorbi?! Nu stiu insa daca vor lasa omul cu porecla “Manusa Rosie” sa vorbeasca in public pentru ca se pare ca intradevar se pricepe mai bine la manusi decat la vorbe. Un astfel de talent trebuie folosit! Tara are nevoie de oameni muncitori, ca dupa ce cu ajutorul comunistilor si a predecesorilor au facut sa fuga lumea din tara trebuie sa munceasca cineva, nu? Apropo, la moment cel mai popular banc in Moldova e tot despre oamenii care muncesc!
