Pictures of Palcho (Palkor) Monastery in Tibet

Palkor Monastery (sometimes referred to as Palcho, or Palchoi Monastery) was built in 1418 by the first Panchen Kezhugyi and took 10 years to complete. It is located on the outskirts of Gyantse and accommodates four different Buddhist sects: Gelug, Gagyu, Sagya and Nyingma, which is rare in Tibet. Each sect has its own praying […]

In drum spre Hong Kong

Ce sa fac? Fac bine! Sunt in aeroportul din Chongqing, mai am o jumate de ora pina la zborul urmator in Shenzhen si m-am oprit la o cafenea sa beau o bericica. Cam dulcica e berea aici in Chongqing, se numeste “Chongqhing Beer”, si nu merita nici o atentie! Asta probabil ca ultimele 3 saptamani […]

End of Tibetan Trip

I’m sitting in the “Music Bar” in Lhasa (the ones who’ve been here know this little cozy bar) right across Yak Hotel (the hotel I’m staying in). After our trip to EBC (Everest Base Camp) we came back to Lhasa, and now I’m the only person from our group left here. One by one they […]

On the train to Lhasa

It is 5:30 AM, I’m on the train to Lhasa somewhere near Geerdu. The train moves slowly through the vast and monotone Tibetan plateau. It is so quiet, just from time to time your eyes looking out the window can catch a spot of a distant light – the human presence. Although the temperature outside […]

Vacanţa 2006

Ma aflu în renumitul “Peace Hotel” din Shanghai, e dimineaţă şi mă simt foarte bine! Shanghai-ul e un oraş minunat şi e o alt fel de China, probabil e combinaţia între China pe care ne-o închipuim şi China modernă a zilelor noastre. Stau în aripa de Nord a hotelului în camera 759, e o cladire […]