On the train to Lhasa

It is 5:30 AM, I’m on the train to Lhasa somewhere near Geerdu. The train moves slowly through the vast and monotone Tibetan plateau. It is so quiet, just from time to time your eyes looking out the window can catch a spot of a distant light – the human presence. Although the temperature outside the train is -3 C, it is warm inside – we all wear t-shirts. It is a new train which has been put into operation just recently (I think it’s August or September) and this train route is a dream-project which became true. We are all exited to be on this train and the scenery we’ve seen in the moonlight (it is almost a full moon now) was amazing – magnificent mountains covered in snow moving one by one through your window. Actually Dave referred to our window as being the best LCD screen in our cabin (we also have smaller versions each on top of our beds). I hope the scenery will get even better during day, when we’ll all still sleeping probably.


Day 1 – Flight to Xining (Xiaoshan – Shanghai – Xi’an – Xining)

Early in the morning I left my apartment in Xiaoshan where I spent previous 7 months and took the bus to Shanghai from where our trip to Tibet was about to start. We had to meet at the Pudong Airport

Day 2 – Ta’Er Monastery, … Lake and the desert in snow

Day 3 – Browsing through Xining and getting to the train to Lhasa


One response to “On the train to Lhasa”

  1. dragomir Avatar

    bai patan cu praschia,
    parca scrii din o alta lume, citesc si am impresia ca sunt pagini din romanele alea “romantice”, pagini din jurnale de calatorie atat de la moda in sec 18-19 … doar ca jurnalul tau e tehnic mai modern, scris tot in tren, dar pe laptop si nu pe caiet, publicat pe internet si nu in foile vremii cum se spunea odata…
    probabil ca senzatiile pe care le traiesti sunt aceleasi ca si ale oricarui alt calator sensibil din orice vreme.
    o mica remarca-rugaminte … detalii cat mai multe, cand scrii inchipeti ca trebuie sa faci o fotografie pe pelicula si nu o schita de creion a locului pe care il vezi…
    si astept cu nerabdare si fotografiile

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