Month: May 2008

  • Pregătirile pentru Jocurile Olimpice de vară 2008 în Beijing

    Pregătirile pentru Jocurile Olimpice de vară 2008 în Beijing

    Pregătirile pentru jocurile Olimpice de vară 2008 în Beijing.

    Beijing-ul va fi gazda jocurilor Olimpice de vară ce sunt programate pentru perioada 8-24 august 2008. Data începerii jocurilor olimpice nu este aleatoare, ci a fost în mod special selectată de chinezi ca fiind o dată foarte norocoasă – ziua 08, luna 08, anul 2008. Chinezii sunt destul de superstiţioşi, îndeosebi atunci când vine vorba de cifre, unele fiind considerate norocoase, altele mai puţin norocoase şi altele foarte norocoase. Cifra opt e considerată cea mai norocoasă, numerele de telefon de exemplu ce conţin cifra opt sunt cele mai dorite, la fel şi numerele de înmatriculare pentru maşini, etc., chiar şi preţurile în meniurile restaurantelor deobicei sunt 8, 18, 28, 88 Y. Cred că nu mai e de mirare pentru nimeni că ceremonia de deschidere a jocurilor olimpice e programată pentru ora 08:08:08 PM, data 08-08-08.

    Acum câteva zile în urmă am asistat la numărătoare inversă pentru începerea jocurilor olimpice din piaţa Tian-An-Men ce comemora 100 zile până la deschiderea oficială. De ani de zile deja în inima capitalei chineze e instalat un panou digital gigantic setat să afişeze timpul rămas până la începerea jocurilor XXIX olimpice de vară. Mii de persoane s-au adunat pentru acest eveniment în interiorul “Palatului Interzis” unde a fost instalată o scenă de concert şi alte câteva sute, în majoritate tineret foarte entuziasmat, au participat la numărătoarea inversă din piaţa principală – Tian-An-Men. Unii, precum un grup de ciclişti din Hangzhou, au parcurs o distanţă de mii de kilometri timp de 5 zile pentru a ajunge aici, alţii şi-au pictat feţele în drapel naţoinal, iar alţii au venit să aplaude şi să ureze succes fluturând drapelurile olimpice.

    Nu mulţi însă din cei prezenţi în piaţă vor avea posibilitatea să fie în Beijing în timpul olimpiadei. Este pentru prima oară când jocurile vor fi pertecute în China şi mai nu toţi doresc să fie aici şi să asiste la jocurile olimpice. Este imposibil însă, doritori numai din China sunt peste un miliard şi doar 7 milioane bilete în vânzare. Apropo, acum câteva zile în urmă au fost puse în vânzare restul biletelor (a treia şi ultima etapă) care au fost epuizate a doua zi după punerea în vânzare. Deaceea, dacă nu aţi reuţit să procuraţi bilete – staţi acasă şi vizionaţi la tv. S-ar putea însă să găsiţi bilete în vânzare de la particulari pe internet, dar preţurile fiind foarte piperate. Apropo de preţuri, să nu cumva credeţi că va fi ieftin: preţurile în Beijing pe parcursul anului trecut au crescut în continuu dublânduse pentru unele produse iar preţurile la hoteluri pentru perioada olimpică vor creşte nu mai mult nu mai puţin decât zece ori! Multe se face şi pentru a face ca populaţia urbană locală ce nu va participa în nici un fel la jocuri să plece pentru această perioadă din Beijing. Studenţii şi elevii din alte provincii, lucrătorii migranţi şi toţi cei fără ocupaţie vor fi nevoiţi să plece. La fel vor fi închise şi toate întreprinderile industriale, iar lucrătorii trimişi în vacanţă forţată în afara capitalei.

    Multe se fac şi pentru ca oraşul să respire un aer mai curat pe timp de olimpiadă. Pe parcursul ultimilor ani a fost schimbat complet parcul de autobuze cu modele performante cu un nivel scăzut de poluare a atmosferei. Pe parcursul desfăşurării olimpiadei accesul şi circulaţia pe străzi a maşinilor va fi în dependenţă de placa de înmatriculare – număr par pentru zile anumite şi impare pentru celelalte. Pentru a degaja traficul se propune ca accesul către locurile de desfăşurare a jocurilor să fie permis doar transportului public. Absolut toţi taximetriştii au fost obligaţi să meargă la cursuri de engleză şi acum te salută cu un “Hello”, apropo fumatul în taxi-uri tot a fost interzis. Două linii noii de metrou se vor deschide în ajunul olimpiadei (una lansată deja) şi două linii speciale de metrou – pentru terminalul 3 a aeroportului (Aeroportul din Beijing devinind astfel cel mai mare aeroport din lume) şi pentru regiunea olimpică unde sunt concentrate principalele arene sportive, regiune supranumită “Verde olimpică”, pentru că e un park de fapt.

    În total 31 arene sportive vor fi deschise în Beijing pentru olimpiadă, dar inima competiţiilor şi arena principală unde se vor petrece ceremoniile de deschidere şi închidere a jocurilor este stadionul naţional numit “Cuibul Păsării” (Bird’s Nest” (鳥巢巢 ). Denumirea este datorată formei şi design-ului neobişnuit ce arată cu un cuib. Arhitecţii principali sunt Herzog & de Meuron, a costat în jur de $500.000.000 şi are capacitatea de 91.000 spectatori. A fost deschis oficial în martie iar prima competitie a fost desfăşurată pe 1 mai, dar lucrarile mai durează. Mii de oameni vizitează zilnic acest stadion numai pentru a se fotografia în faţa acestuia, agenţiile turistice au inclus stadionul în programele sale, iar prin împrejurimi comercianţii vând deja suvenire reprezentând “Cuibul Olimpic”. Numai că pentru că lucrările mai durează, toate acestea se pot observa numai de după gard, care înconjoară stadionul. Pentru doritorii de a vedea stadionul din interior mai există o şansă totuşi, în perioada 22-25 mai stadionul va fi gazda competiţiilor atletice întitulate “Noroc Beijing” şi este unicul eveniment programat până la deschiderea jocurilor olimpice.

    În imediata apropiere a cuibului olimpic se află o construcţie la fel de originală a centrului naţional acvatic (北京国家游泳中心 ) supranumit “Cubul de apă” (水立方 ) sau cum se mai abreviază – H2O . Este o structură din oţel de forma unei cutii albastre gigantice acoperită cu mii de membrane în formă de baloane de culoarea apei. Arată spectaculos şi ziua şi mai ales pe timp de noapte când este iluminat din interior. La construcţia acestui edeficiu au fost folosite materiale şi tehnologii performante ce permit penetrarea mai bună a luminii solare şi scăderea cu 30% a energiei folosite, precum şi un sistem de filtrare şi reciclare a apei pentru bazin. Capaciatea “cubului de apă” olimpic e de 17.000 persoane şi este un proiect a unui consorţiu Sino-Australian.

    Mascota jocurilor olimpice din acest an este de fapt un set numit FuWa (în traducere – păpuşi norocoase) compus din 5 păpuşi reprezentând 5 elemente a filosofiei chineze: apă, metal, foc, lemn şi pământ. Fiecare păpuşă “Fuwa” are o culoare de bază corespunzătoare cercurilor olimpice şi se numesc Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, and Nini. Dacă e să folosim doar primele silabe din numele fiecărei păpuşi, obţinem fraza: “BeiJing HuanYíng Nĭ” ce în traducere înseamnă “Beijingul vă urează bun venit”.

    Flacăra olimpică pentru jocurile din acest an e tot una specială – acoperă cea mai lungă distanţă parcursă vreodată – 137.000 km şi a început pe 24 martie în Olimpia ajungând în Beijing de unde a urmat traseul în 20 de ţări şi 5 continente ca să ajungă înapoi în China unde urmează un releu prin toată ţara, în fiecare provincie şi oraş mare. Flacăra olimpică va fi purtată în total de 21.880 persoane. În perioada 19-21 mai, zile declarate de doliu în China, releul flăcării olimpice a fost întrerupt pentru a comemora victimele recenului cutremur care a facut peste 42.000 victime.

    Olimpiada din acest mai e asociată şi cu manifestaţiile de protest pentru independenţa Tibetului, cu respectarea drepturilor omului în China şi alte chestiuni care contrastează cu atmosfera de eforie olimpică. Sper ca toată lumea până la urmă să se bucure de acest eveniment sportiv principal şi succese tuturor! “O singură lume – un singur vis” (同一个世界 同一个梦想 ) e sloganul jocurile olimpice de vară din Beijing 2008.

  • BabelFish now redirects to Yahoo!

    BabelFish now redirects to Yahoo!

    A few days ago my favorite on-line translation tool – Babelfish from changed the address from Altavista to Yahoo, now it is automatically redirected to The change happened when I was translating something and was quite surprised to see the result for my translation on Yahoo and not on Altavista.

    I’ve been using Babelfish powered by Systran for years now and not only that it became my favorite translation tool, but something I use on a daily basis. Wherever I need a translation from Chinese or Korean, to French, Spanish or German – that’s the place to go. Of course in order to get more accurate translation it is advised to use shorter sentiences and use no abbreviations. The Chinese translation is just great, often very accurate when translating from English to Chinese (you’ve got two options – Chinese-Simplified and Chinese-Traditional) and understandable when translating from Chinese to English. But sometimes it’s just ridiculously amusing. Me experience with Korean using Babelfish wasn’t that good, most of the time Koreans will say you sound like an alien, I mean it will still make sense, but rather be difficult to understand and it is something non-comprehensive when translating from Korean most of the time. It works fine when translating to/from French and Spanish though, and Japanese translation is also quite good. You can translate from Russian as well, but I don’t really need it (only from Russian to English available), other languages as Dutch, Greek, Italian and Portuguese also available. Now, since it moved to Yahoo! they also offer a translation from Chinese Simplified to Chinese Traditional and vice versa – I wonder how often does somebody actually uses that?

    Anyway, the Babelfish is no longer on Altavista. Babelfish was bought by Overture when they acquired Altavista and Yahoo! became the owner of both when they bought Overture. So it goes like this: Bebelfish –> Altavista –> Overture –> Yahoo!
    Will it go further –> Microsoft? I’m actually glad that Microsoft did not acquire Yahoo, every company or brand with a Microsoft touch is spoiled in the end (take Hotmail for example). The only thing that keeps Microsoft in tops is the operational system they rely on and the American market where things like and are still popular.

    P.S.: Do you know that the name for Babelfish on-line translation comes from a fictional species fish from “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” series by Douglas Adams. For more check on wikipedia:

    if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language.

  • Cuvinte moştenite din limba Dacilor – Codru, Doină, Ciocârlie, Mămăligă?

    Cuvinte moştenite din limba Dacilor – Codru, Doină, Ciocârlie, Mămăligă?

    Îmi aduc aminte cum am aflat pentru prima oară de unele cuvinte din graiul nostru care de fapt au originea în limba strămoşilor noştri daci. Cred că a fost una din acele cărţulii publicate la începutul anilor `90. Şi eram foarte entuziasmat de acestă tematică, dar la acea vreme nu am mai găsit alte informaţii referitor la acest subiect. Din acele cuvinte de origine dacică îmi amintesc de: gard, brad, copac, barză… şi poate încă câteva.

    Astăzi însă, “hoinărind” ca de obicei prin wikipedia am găsit o listă a acelor cuvinte româneşti ce se cred a fi moştenite din limba dacă. Articolul e în engleză – List of Romanian words of possible Dacian origin, dar şi unul pentru versiunea română – Listă de cuvinte româneşti moştenite probabil din limba dacă. De fapt recomand versiunea în engleză pentru că conţine şi traducerea în engleză (de unele cuvinte eu personal nu am auzit, sunt probabil regionalisme sau arhaisme şi e mai uşor de înţeles sensul decât a căuta în DEX) şi note interesante precum şi semilarităţile în alte limbi.

    Iată o listă de cuvinte pe care le-am selectat ca fiind interesante care se presupun a fi de origine dacică: abur, a ademeni, aidoma, a ameţi, amurg, a anina, aprig, a arunca, baci, baligă, baltă, barză, balaur, a băga, băiat, bălan, bordei, bortă, brad, brînduşă, brînză, brîu, brusture, a bucura, bucuros, burtă, buză, căciulă, căpuşă, cătun, cioară, cioban, cioc, ciocîrlie, cîrlig, codru, copac, copil, creţ, curpăn, cursă, dărîma, doină, dop, fărîmă, gard, gata, gheară, gresie, groapă, guşă, a încurca, lespede, a leşina, mal, mazăre, măceş, măgură, mălai, mămăligă, mătură, melc, mire, mistreţ, a mişca, morman, moş, murg, niţel, păstaie, pînză, ravac, a răbda, reazem, a scăpăra, scrum, sîmbure, stejar, sterp, stînă, strugure, şale, şopîrlă, Şoric (pielicică de porc), tare, traistă, ţap, ţarină, ţăruş, ţurcă (se pare că numele meu de famile e de origine dacă atunci!), (a se) uita, a urca, urcior, urdă, vatră, viscol, zăr (zer), a zburda, zestre, a zgîria.

    Codru, doina, ciocârlia şi mămăliga sunt cuvinte din limba strămoşilor noştri daci! Bordei, strugure, stejar! Se pare că folosim mai multe cuvinte dacice decât credeam. Tot pe wikipedia mai e şi o listă de denumiri dacice de plante medicinale compusă de Dioscoride (farmacolog şi botanist grec) şi Pseudo-Apuleius (autorul “Herbarius”) şi o listă de oraşe, precum şi lista de regi daci.

  • Does Lenovo really provide international warranty service for ThinkPad users?

    Does Lenovo really provide international warranty service for ThinkPad users?

    Let me start by saying that I’m just an unsatisfied customer of Lenovo and the story I’m about to write will be a complaint about their services. I do not like complaining about things, but when I do – there’s a reason behind it. Out of all the brands on a notebooks market today I had the impression that ThinkPad users are the most satisfied by the customer service provided, but apparently I was wrong, or should I say it was before IBM sold ThinkPad to Lenovo. If you do a quick search on the internet for customer service provided by Lenovo you will come across loads of articles, stories and complaints about their service.

    I don’t want to make it a long story of what I went through, I’ll just tell you the facts:

    1. Lenovo does not provide international warranty service! Well at least not in mainland China (home of Lenovo) if you bought it elsewhere, they will however ask you to register your product in China and supposedly you’ll be entitled to the service. The only trouble is they further make it almost impossible to register your product. Be ready to provide beside your computer’s serial number and type/model code: operational system’s code, the copies of your passport, visa’s and entry stamps and extensions in the country you bought your machine as well as the country you are in, receipt of your purchase or a credit card report.
    Don’t you think it’s a little bit too much? I mean I can easily check my warranty details on-line for my machine and the database will tell me when my warranty expires, all I need to do is navigate online from my machine! I registered my product on-line and they do have already the details regarding the place I purchased it, the date, my name, email and all sorts of information like that.
    Frankly, it seems to me that they just try to avoid to provide the warranty, and that seems to be Lenovo’s policy our days. I came across some other issues on the internet when customers were complaining that Lenovo is trying to make it impossible. So, in my humble opinion of an unsatisfied customer – your international warranty offered by Lenovo does not worth a dime! The email address to inquire about your international warranty:

    2. Do not hope for a free battery replacement of your ThinkPad’s faulty battery. Lenovo states on their web-site here that they will replace your battery free of charge if it turns to be from this faulty batch produced with a specific FRU part numbers and for specific models. Models affected: R60, R60e, T60, T60p, X60, X60s, X60 Tablet, Z60m, Z61e, Z61m, Z61p, Z60t, Z61t. They certainly did not replaced mine when I brought it to their authorized center. There is a small program provided, available for download online with which you can check if your battery is from this faulty batch.
    If you do get lucky and somehow you’ll find out the address where you can replace it make sure Bringing the faulty battery along with your laptop and warranty service details will not get it replaced. You’ll just end up spending your time on customers service unable to help.

    Although there’s an announcement on Lenovo’s web-site regarding this issue, they did not let the customers know about this problem. And when it happened to my battery I did not knew I’m eligible for a free replacement, since nobody let me know. That makes me ask why did I provided them with my email address and other contact details?

    3. The toll-free telephone number they provide in mainland China for free battery replacement (800-990-8888) is not accessible from mobile phones, and of course there’s no announcement about that. During a period of time I was trying to reach it from a land-line it was playing just a greeting message in Chinese without offering you any other options. The customer support line in mainland China (800-810-3315) although very polite and talking English (and I do appreciate that) wasn’t able to provide any information regarding that issue. Moreover without further investigating the issue the customer service was just saying sorry we cannot do nothing about it because we haven’t heard about it. When insisting to find out, since the information is available on-line, the customer service did get back in touch with me (very fast) but again with no details on how I can solve my issue. When asked to provide me with a written address of an authorized Lenovo/ThinkPad center they agreed, but no reply was received. Oh, and by the way there’s no information in English available on-line regarding the Lenovo/ThinkPad service centers in China. Emailing to (the email provided for battery replacement program) and asking for the address in Beijing where you can replace the battery will get you back to 800-990-8888 phone number for mainland China (surprisingly it was working this week).

    4. The customer service although well-trained and very polite follows everything by the book but will be of no help to you if facing some issue they never heard of. Same applies to their supervisors who are unable to take correct decisions in critical times. They will also refuse to offer assistance minutes after working time, even though you’ve been involved in the very same discussion for a quite long time already.

    It is a pity that a well-known brand like ThinkPad ended-up to be managed by Lenovo who happened to be a disgrace our days. I was lead to believe that Chinese brands like Lenovo care about their image and will not play their dirty games with customers, but I was wrong. And just to think of all the ThinkPad users who chosen Lenovo (IBM’s ThinkPad) mainly because of the international warranty service. That will be such a disappointment for them. I think we’ll have to look for some more reliable brand who cares about their customers first of all. Although I do like my ThinkPad Z61t machine a lot, such an attitude is a major draw back and I doubt I will ever buy another Lenovo product in the future!

    Here are a few links confirming my statements:

  • Strong earthquake hits China

    Strong earthquake hits China

    According to US Geological Survey an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 struck Sichuan province today, centered 92 km northwest of Chengdu. Apparently it was felt all over China. Reports say people felt it as far away as Beijing and Shanghai, especially by the office workers located in the skyscrapers.

    Map of the Sichuan Earthquake

    A mate of mine called me to ask if I felt the earthquake, but I didn’t sense anything (I’m in Beijing right now). Apparently here in Beijing a lot of people felt it and poured outside. The only news on Chinese TV about the earthquake was minutes ago in the news bulletin on CCTV9, they reported about the earthquake recorded at 2:28 PM, but no damages or casualties reported yet. It surprises me (well not that much) how a news like that is handled by the media – no reports yet, after 1,5 hours!

    The tremor was actually felt in Vietnam and Thailand as well! High rising buildings in Bangkok were continuing to sway for seven minutes. Some reports say it was also felt in Taiwan and Pakistan.

    UPDATE: Another news bulletin on CCTV did not get anything except a small statement about the earthquake being reported and that there are no official reports yet coming from Xinhua news agency. I just checked the agency’s web-site and that’s the story they have:

    BEIJING, May 12 (Xinhua) — A major earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale jolted Wenchuan County of southwest China’s Sichuan Province at 2:28 p.m. Monday, the State Seismological Bureau said, revising a previous figure of 7.6.
    The epicenter of the quake was located 31.0 degrees north latitude and 103.4 degrees east longitude, the bureau said.

    With a population of 111,800, Wenchuan lies in southeast part of the Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Aba, 146 km to the northwest of Chengdu, provincial capital of Sichuan.

    Xinhua reporters in many other parts of China also reported tremors. Reporters in Chengdu said they saw cracks on walls of some residential buildings in the downtown areas, but no building collapsed.

    The telecom networks in Chengdu and Chongqing cities broken down for a while after the quake. People complained they were unable to have phone calls on the fixed line or the mobile.
    Here is the link to the full story.

    UPDATE II: Actually another minor quake was recorded in Beijing, measuring 3.9 on the Richter scale and jolted the Tongzhou District at 2:35 p.m. It was a triggered tremor from the one in Wenchuan County. Also there’s a rumor circulating among Beijinger’s that an aftershock measuring between two and six on the Richter scale would take place in Beijing between 10 p.m and midnight. But officials from State Seismological Bureau reassured it’s not true and stated: “No destructive earthquake near the capital is likely to occur in the near future”. 5 victims reported dead and hundreds injured in Sichuan and Chongqing.

    UPDATE III: The earthquake was upgraded to a 7.9 magnitude from a 7.8 magnitude. Five major aftershocks ranging in magnitude from 4.0 to 6.0 were recorded within two hours of the main tremor. Death toll rises to more then 10.000 and continues to grow. No news still from the epicenter and communications still remains cut. Rescue workers are trying to get to the remote towns where victims are still hoped to be found under ruins. In Benchuan County 80% of buildings are reported destroyed. Unlike 32 years ago when the major earthquake hit Tangshan and Chinese authorities refused to admit for months it happened (only after three years the death toll was announced – 240.000), this time reports, pictures and video’s from eyewitness’s spread over the internet.

    An article on wikipedia has been set-up already called 2008 Sichuan earthquake and latest news and information about the quake can be found at, both created within 24 hours after the event.

  • Olympic flames reach the top of the world!

    Olympic flames reach the top of the world!

    I woke up this morning and as usually turned on the TV for the latest sweet news from CCTV9, only to find out that Olympic flames reached the summit at around 9:10 (our local time). Well done China! And my respect to the climbing team.

    From Mt. Olympus to Mt. Everest the Olympic torch went, and we humans still fighting. Hope one day the world peace will not be just a dream. “One World – One Dream” – the slogan for the Beijing Olympics reads.

    I happened to reach Mt.Everest Base Camp some time ago and just found the picture of myself, Mt.Everest and my flag.

    For complete story check out The Official Beijing Olympics Web-site and some pictures here. 92 days to go!

  • 100-Day Countdown to the Olympics

    100-Day Countdown to the Olympics

    Beijing and the whole China celebrates the 100-Day countdown to the Summer Olympic Games just before the May holidays. Some big manifestations were held around China with the main venue being Forbidden City and the Tian An Men square where for years already the main digital countdown display is located. I just happened to be passing by when the countdown display was showing exactly 100-Day left and I must say that the atmosphere in Tian An Men was so great and inspiring. Hundreds of locals with small Chinese and Olympic flags gathered to cheer and countdown. Youths with faces painted in Chinese flag were probably the most excited, but I wonder how many of them will actually be allowed to stay in Beijing during the Olympics, since the plan is to get them all out of the city during summer unless they are working or volunteering for Olympics.

    And how ready is actually Beijing for the Olympics? Well, if you watch CCTV9 – it all looks bright and awesome. But frankly I was expecting too see more things done already. Yes, you no longer see people spitting in the subway, but it still looks like some places haven’t been cleaned for months. Even the new subway lines look dirty, that is probably why they haven’t changed all the trains to new ones and haven’t opened the tourniquets yet, keeping them wrapped in plastic instead. Air pollution and congested road traffic still remains one of the biggest concerns, although most of the taxi drivers will understand English now. The city of course has changed tremendously during the past years to the better and there are still 100 days left, which seems like enough time to get done all these final touches that counts.

    And here is the countdown display as I seen it during the years, 1044 days left, 399 days left and 99 days left (well, almost a hundred):

    Countdown to the Olympics in Tian an Men Square in Beijing