Month: November 2006

  • In drum spre Hong Kong

    Ce sa fac? Fac bine!

    Sunt in aeroportul din Chongqing, mai am o jumate de ora pina la zborul urmator in Shenzhen si m-am oprit la o cafenea sa beau o bericica. Cam dulcica e berea aici in Chongqing, se numeste “Chongqhing Beer”, si nu merita nici o atentie! Asta probabil ca ultimele 3 saptamani si ceva am baut doar “Lhasa Beer” – “the beer from the roof of the world”! Care dupa parerea mea este una din cele mai buni beri din lume!!! Nu ma asteptam, sa fiu sincer, ca baietii montani s fie atat de priceputi la preparearea berii. Mai mult chiar, si asta o spune eu, au si vinuri foarte buni!!! Nu stiu cum o fac, dar sunt superbi tibetanii la preparat bauturi alcoolice. Si mancare gustoasa stiu sa faca. Bravo lor!

    Eu eram cat pe ce sa pierd zborul din Lhasa in dupa-ameaza zilei de azi. Asta din cauza domnisoarei de la check-in, care a decis sa inchida mai devreme. Am facut un scandal mare la aeroportul din Lhasa, o sa ma tina minte multa vreme baietii de acolo, dar pina la urma am nimerit si eu in avion. “China Southern” – cea mai proasta companie aeriana cu care am zburat pina cauma! Bine macar ca zbor acuma cu “Air China”, astia sunt cu mult mai buni!!! Despre intamplarea din aeroportul din Lhasa va povestesc alta data, ca acuma nu prea am chef.

    Cam atat de la mine pentru moment. Numai bine si NOROC!!!

  • End of Tibetan Trip

    I’m sitting in the “Music Bar” in Lhasa (the ones who’ve been here know this little cozy bar) right across Yak Hotel (the hotel I’m staying in). After our trip to EBC (Everest Base Camp) we came back to Lhasa, and now I’m the only person from our group left here. One by one they all left… it’s been 12 days now since I came from EBC. I enjoy Lhasa, I enjoy Tibet! This is one of these places you want to stay and do not want to leave, but sooner or later that must happen… and it will tomorrow.

    The reason I wasn’t writing anything in my “Tibetan Travelogue” is that on the train to Lhasa my computer just crashed, I think it was altitude seekeness. Really! First my hard drive seezed to work, and that was a real trouble, but when I managed to fix I found out that many other things don’t work either along with my CDMA internet card. I was allright with the high altitude, but not my laptop! Kiwi Dave’s iPod also seezed to work after the trip on the train to Lhasa. Misterious things!

    Well, anyway I decided to reinstall everything, I saved all my files on external hard drives and guess where I was installing the Windows? I am proud to announce now that my currently running Windows XP was installed on the bus during my trip through Tibet. The first part of instalation took part on Mt.Kanbala (4990m above sea level)! I wonder now how many OS’s were installed at same altitude. But the good thing is that ever since my computer is runing well. It is just me being lazy, could not find time to post some news… It is an amazing place here, you wouldn’t loose time for writing news.

  • On the train to Lhasa

    It is 5:30 AM, I’m on the train to Lhasa somewhere near Geerdu. The train moves slowly through the vast and monotone Tibetan plateau. It is so quiet, just from time to time your eyes looking out the window can catch a spot of a distant light – the human presence. Although the temperature outside the train is -3 C, it is warm inside – we all wear t-shirts. It is a new train which has been put into operation just recently (I think it’s August or September) and this train route is a dream-project which became true. We are all exited to be on this train and the scenery we’ve seen in the moonlight (it is almost a full moon now) was amazing – magnificent mountains covered in snow moving one by one through your window. Actually Dave referred to our window as being the best LCD screen in our cabin (we also have smaller versions each on top of our beds). I hope the scenery will get even better during day, when we’ll all still sleeping probably.


    Day 1 – Flight to Xining (Xiaoshan – Shanghai – Xi’an – Xining)

    Early in the morning I left my apartment in Xiaoshan where I spent previous 7 months and took the bus to Shanghai from where our trip to Tibet was about to start. We had to meet at the Pudong Airport

    Day 2 – Ta’Er Monastery, … Lake and the desert in snow

    Day 3 – Browsing through Xining and getting to the train to Lhasa