Sergiu Ţurcanu

gânduri & fotografii

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Save the World: Let’s start with the polar bears first.

Save the World: Let’s start with the polar bears first.

I received an email today from the WWF about recently launched urgent new TV campaign to make people aware of…

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Comparing 10 most essential microstocks

Comparing 10 most essential microstocks

Note: This article is about making money online by selling your photographs. The top 10 most essential microstock agencies are…

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Moldovan Leu – currency for investors

Moldovan Leu – currency for investors

The news I got today from Bloomberg is that my home country’s currency, the Moldovan Leu (MDL) is the world’s…

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Bloggers unite to make a difference

Never underestimate the power of people in large groups they say, and I cannot agree more. Large groups can make…

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Wordle it!

Haven’t you heard of Wordle yet? It’s a little web application that lets you create word clouds out of texts,…

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Georgia vs Russia at the Beijing Olympics

Georgia vs Russia at the Beijing Olympics

On August 8th, while the Olympic teams were entering the Bird’s Nest Stadium in Beijing at the opening ceremony of…

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北京欢迎你 – Beijing Welcomes You! (The Song)

北京欢迎你 – Beijing Welcomes You! (The Song)

Best wishes to 2008 Beijing Olympic Games! Beijing welcomes you (北京欢迎你) – is the welcoming song for the Olympics that…

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Meet the Beijing Olympic Mascots – FuWa’s

Meet the Beijing Olympic Mascots – FuWa’s

It’s for the first time when instead of the usual one character for the Olympic mascot we’ve got a bunch…

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Plan and seats of the Olympic Stadium in Beijing

Plan and seats of the Olympic Stadium in Beijing

I wrote a review about the Olympic Stadium in Beijing some time ago and noticed that people also find this…

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How to earn money by selling your pictures through microstock agencies.

How to earn money by selling your pictures through microstock agencies.

Now, you probably heard that you can make money on-line by simply selling your pictures. Sounds easy, right? I’ve been…

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