Month: October 2007

  • – o nouă apariţie în internetul moldovenesc – o nouă apariţie în internetul moldovenesc care a fost lansat ieri (duminică, 14 oct.) și vrea să fie catalogat ca un proiect gen “social network”, la moment are peste 250 de utilizatori noi înregistrați și această cifră va crește rapid în următoarele zile. Proiectul se află încă în stadiu de elaborare și a fost lansat în varianta beta. Personal apreciez această lansare foarte precoce întrucât multe funcÅ£ii încÄ? nu sunt disponibile Å?i sunt prea multe “bug”-uri. Sunt sigur cÄ? toate aceste neajunsuri vor fi înlÄ?turate în timpul cel mai apropiat, dar dau dovadÄ? de un neprofesionalizm la stadiul de lansare.

    Ã?mi pare bine cÄ? un astfel de proiect de “social network” apare Å?i în Moldova Å?i salut acestÄ? intenÅ£ie a companiei Simpals, care de altfel are un portofoliu de proiecte de succes Å?i de o caliate bunÄ?. Succese Å?i în continuare Å?i sper sÄ? reuÅ?iÅ£i sÄ? dezvoltaÅ£i acest proiect. Dar mai vreau sÄ? remarc câteva lucruri care tare m-au supÄ?rat:

    1. LipseÅ?te versiunea în RomânÄ?! Ã?nÅ£eleg cÄ? e versiunea beta, dar de ce lansÄ?m un proiect în Moldova Å?i folosim o limbÄ? strÄ?inÄ?? (observ o tendinÅ£Ä? de rusificare în internetul moldovenesc, ca de altfel Å?i la Radio/TV, dar nu trebuie favorizatÄ? în asemenea mod!)
    2. (more…)

  • Procrastination is the art of waiting

    Procrastination is the art of waiting

    I used this quote of an unknown author in the title, but if you never heard of procrastination you might discover what it is in this article and I must tell you that is an art!

    I found out myself about the meaning of this word just recently and was quite amazed and amused by the fact that this is what I’ve been doing lately – indulging myself into the art of procrastination. And I am quite sure many of you also felt victims of this vice.

    According to wikipedia:
    Procrastination is a type of avoidance behavior which is characterized by deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. It is often cited by psychologists as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision.

  • You Know You’ve Lived in China Too Long When…

    I found a group on facebook recently with this topic and it is so funny! Well it probably would be funny for the ones who lived in China. I’ve selected just a few very best ones in my opinion here:

    5. You smoke in crowded elevators.
    6. All white people look the same to you.
    8. You find state-employed retail staff helpful, knowledgeable and friendly.
    9. You no longer need tissues to blow your nose.
    12. You think that the heavy air actually contains valuable nutrients that you need to stay healthy.
    15. It’s OK to throw rubbish, including old fridges, from your 18th-floor window.
    16. You believe that pressing the lift button 63 times will make it move faster.
    17. You aren’t aware that one is supposed to pay for software.

  • GPS Tracking – now you can spy on others!

    GPS Tracking – now you can spy on others!

    The dynamic development of modern technologies is not a surprise for anyone these days and things we regarded in the past as almost science-fiction or thought to be “technologies of the future” are quickly becoming parts of our everyday lives. One of this relatively new hi-tech things is GPS. For the ones of you who don’t know yet exactly what it is I’ll do a bit of explanation. GPS or Global Positioning System (which is pretty much explanatory) is a system through which certain special enabled devices can be located exactly through satellite system.