Like Gary Brolsma (the Numa Numa guy) and Mahir Cagri (the Turkish “I Kiss You” guy) we now have a new internet celebrity who’s name is not disclosed yet, but he calls himself – Honglaowai, or if translating from Chinese – the red foreigner. I’ve been watching his video’s he posted on YouTube and other Chinese video sharing sites like Tudou and Youku for a few months and I must admit his popularity is growing and if you haven’t heard yet of the Red Laowai just watch him!
So, who is HongLaowai and what does he do? Hmm… Imagine a drunk laowai in a KTV singing karaoke … now imagine him singing Chinese patriotic songs… and now imagine him naked… and in New York! You get the picture? Well, I over exaggerated a little bit, the part of him being naked and drunk, he is in fact sober and the part about being naked in the first video’s he posted refers to chest naked in fact. Below is his first video posted against the wall with a picture of Chairman Mao, which at the moment have over 70,000 views on YouTube since Nov.6, 2007 (but other video’s on Chinese sites all together have millions of views). He sings: “If There Were No Communist Party, Then There Would Be No New China” (沒有共產黨就沒有新中國).
Honglaowai lives in New York and apparently works at a Wall Street but (more…)