Spring in Beijing

For other a month now, even more actually, since the end of the Chinese New Year I’ve been wasting my time in Beijing. Yeah, back in China! This post is not about me and what I am doing here, but about the spring time. After the month of March with weather changing from warm to […]

You Know You’ve Lived in China Too Long When…

I found a group on facebook recently with this topic and it is so funny! Well it probably would be funny for the ones who lived in China. I’ve selected just a few very best ones in my opinion here: 5. You smoke in crowded elevators. 6. All white people look the same to you. […]

Află care îţi este numele în Japoneză, Chineză şi alte limbi.

Presupun că deja aţi aflat care vă este numele brazilian? În caz că nu aţi dat de articolul precedent vă reamintesc unde îl puteţi afla – BrazilName. Acuma a venit timpul sa aflaţi cum vă sună numele în japoneză!Asta chiar mi-a plăcut! Al meu sună destul de bine: “Serujiu Tsurukanu”. de pe urban75. Ştiţi cu […]