Save the world: Amazonian forest and EU

I’ve been talking about saving the world last time a few weeks ago (Save the World: Let’s start with the polar bears first) and here’s another quest for all of you who care about our planet. I’ll cut straight to subject: I think I don’t have to explain you the importance of Amazonian rainforests in […]

Save the World: Let’s start with the polar bears first.

I received an email today from the WWF about recently launched urgent new TV campaign to make people aware of how climate change is affecting polar bears and other animals. They say polar bears are at risk of extinction due to melting and thinning arctic ice, and could disappear by the end of this century […]

Bloggers unite to make a difference

Never underestimate the power of people in large groups they say, and I cannot agree more. Large groups can make a difference, and the masses be they right or wrong can be a winning force if pointed into the right direction. You can decide if you want to be part of one of these large […]